

Arabic Tools

Sebawai: An Arabic Morphological Analyzer (by Kareem) (README)(DOWNLOAD)

Al-Stem: A Light Arabic Stemmer for cp1256 and utf8 encoding (by Kareem)(README)(DOWNLOAD)

Al-Stem: A Light Arabic Stemmer for iso-8859-6 encoding (by Kareem) DOWNLOAD

Alex's version of Arabic Stemmer for cp1256 and utf8 encoding (by Alexander Fraser BBN) DOWNLOAD

Linguistic Corpus Tools

DTE: Translation Equivalence Detection Client GUI and API (by Nossal) (README)(DOWNLOAD)

Retrieval Tools

  An add-on package that provides translation based indexing to MG system (by Funda)(DOWNLOAD)

An Interactive Cross Language Retrieval Interface written in Java (on top of the Inquery system) (by Nossal)(README)(DOWNLOAD)

PSE: A Small Search Engine written in Perl (Based on OKAPI BM25 formula) (by Kareem)(README)(DOWNLOAD)

Updated by Daqing He / UMIACS / UMD / on