Class PTBTokenizer

  extended by edu.stanford.nlp.process.AbstractTokenizer
      extended by edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer
All Implemented Interfaces:
Tokenizer, Iterator

public class PTBTokenizer
extends AbstractTokenizer

Tokenizer implementation that conforms to the Penn Treebank tokenization conventions. This tokenizer is a Java implementation of Professor Chris Manning's Flex tokenizer, pgtt-treebank.l. It reads raw text and outputs tokens as edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Words in the Penn treebank format. It can optionally return carriage returns as tokens.

Tim Grow, Teg Grenager (, Christopher Manning

Nested Class Summary
static class PTBTokenizer.PTBTokenizerFactory
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.process.AbstractTokenizer
Constructor Summary
PTBTokenizer(Reader r)
          Constructs a new PTBTokenizer that treats carriage returns as normal whitespace.
PTBTokenizer(Reader r, boolean tokenizeCRs)
          Constructs a new PTBTokenizer that optionally returns carriage returns as their own token.
PTBTokenizer(Reader r, boolean tokenizeCRs, LexedTokenFactory tokenFactory)
          Constructs a new PTBTokenizer that optionally returns carriage returns as their own token, and has a custom LexedTokenFactory.
Method Summary
static TokenizerFactory factory()
protected  Object getNext()
          Internally fetches the next token.
static void main(String[] args)
          Reads a file from the argument and prints its tokens one per line.
static String ptb2Text(List ptbWords)
          Returns a presentable version of the given PTB-tokenized words.
static String ptb2Text(String ptbText)
          Returns a presentable version of the given PTB-tokenized text.
 void setSource(Reader r)
          Sets the source of this Tokenizer to be the Reader r.
Methods inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.process.AbstractTokenizer
hasNext, next, peek, remove, tokenize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PTBTokenizer(Reader r)
Constructs a new PTBTokenizer that treats carriage returns as normal whitespace.


public PTBTokenizer(Reader r,
                    boolean tokenizeCRs)
Constructs a new PTBTokenizer that optionally returns carriage returns as their own token. CRs come back as Words whose text is the value of


public PTBTokenizer(Reader r,
                    boolean tokenizeCRs,
                    LexedTokenFactory tokenFactory)
Constructs a new PTBTokenizer that optionally returns carriage returns as their own token, and has a custom LexedTokenFactory. CRs come back as Words whose text is the value of

tokenFactory - The LexedTokenFactory to use to create tokens from the text.
Method Detail


protected Object getNext()
Internally fetches the next token.

Specified by:
getNext in class AbstractTokenizer
the next token in the token stream, or null if none exists.


public void setSource(Reader r)
Sets the source of this Tokenizer to be the Reader r.


public static String ptb2Text(String ptbText)
Returns a presentable version of the given PTB-tokenized text. PTB tokenization splits up punctuation and does various other things that makes simply joining the tokens with spaces look bad. So join the tokens with space and run it through this method to produce nice looking text. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well.


public static String ptb2Text(List ptbWords)
Returns a presentable version of the given PTB-tokenized words. Pass in a List of Words or Strings, or a Document and this method will join the words with spaces and call ptb2Text(String) on the output. This method will check if the elements in the list are subtypes of Word, and if so, it will take the word() values to prevent additional text from creeping in (e.g., POS tags). Otherwise the toString value will be used.


public static TokenizerFactory factory()


public static void main(String[] args)
                 throws IOException
Reads a file from the argument and prints its tokens one per line. This is mainly as a testing aid, but it can also be quite useful standalone to turn a corpus into a one token per line file of tokens. This main method assumes that the input file is in utf-8 encoding, unless it is specified.

Usage: java edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer [-charset charset] [-nl] filename

args - Command line arguments

Stanford NLP Group