
Class Summary
BikelChineseHeadFinder A headfinder implementing Dan Bikel's head rules.
ChineseCollinizer Performs collinization operations on Chinese trees similar to those for English Namely: strips all functional & automatically-added tags strips all punctuation merges PRN and ADVP eliminates ROOT (note that there are a few non-unary ROOT nodes; these are not eliminated)
ChineseEnglishWordMap A class for mapping Chinese words to English.
ChineseHeadFinder HeadFinder for the Penn Chinese Treebank.
ChineseTreebankLanguagePack Language pack for Chinese treebank.
CHTBTokenizer A simple tokenizer for tokenizing Penn Chinese Treebank files.
RadicalMap A way to determine the primary (or "semantic") radical of a Chinese character or get the set of characters with a given semantic radical.
SunJurafskyChineseHeadFinder A headfinder for Chinese based on rules described in Sun/Jurafsky NAACL '04.

Stanford NLP Group