Package edu.stanford.nlp.ling

Interface Summary
Datum Interface for Objects which can be described by their features.
Document Represents a text document as a list of Words with a title.
Featurizable Interface for Objects that can be described by their features.
HasCategory Something that implements the HasCategory interface knows about categories.
HasTag Something that implements the HasTag interface knows about part-of-speech tags.
HasWord Something that implements the HasWord interface knows about words.
Label Something that implements the Label interface can act as a constituent, node, or word label with linguistic attributes.
Labeled Interface for Objects that have a label, whose label is an Object.
LabelFactory A LabelFactory object acts as a factory for creating objects of class Label, or some descendent class.
SentenceProcessor This is a simple interface for applying a transformer to a Sentence.

Class Summary
AbstractMapLabel An abstract class for Label objects which store attributes in a Map.
BasicDocument Basic implementation of Document that should be suitable for most needs.
CategoryWordTag A CategoryWordTag object acts as a complex Label which contains a category, a head word, and a tag.
CategoryWordTagFactory A CategoryWordTagFactory is a factory that makes a Label which is a CategoryWordTag triplet.
DocumentReader Basic mechanism for reading in Documents from various input sources.
MapLabel An AbstractMapLabel implementation which uses Object equality and hashcode.
MapLabelFactory A MapLabelFactory is a factory that makes a Label which is a MapLabel.
Sentence Sentence holds a single sentence, and mediating between word numbers and words.
StringLabel A StringLabel object acts as a Label by containing a single String, which it sets or returns in response to requests.
StringLabelFactory A StringLabelFactory object makes a simple StringLabel out of a String.
Tag A Tag object acts as a Label by containing a String that is a part-of-speech tag.
TaggedWord A TaggedWord object contains a word and its tag.
TaggedWordFactory A TaggedWordFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class TaggedWord.
ValueLabel A ValueLabel object acts as a Label with linguistic attributes.
Word A Word object acts as a Label by containing a String.
WordFactory A WordFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class Word.
WordLemmaTag /** A WordLemmaTag corresponds to a pair of a tagged (e.g., for part of speech) word and its lemma.
WordLemmaTagFactory /** A WordLemmaTagFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class WordLemmaTag.
WordTag A WordTag corresponds to a tagged (e.g., for part of speech) word and is implemented with String-valued word and tag.
WordTagFactory A WordTagFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class WordTag.

Stanford NLP Group