Interface Label

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMapLabel, CategoryWordTag, Constituent, LabeledConstituent, LabeledScoredConstituent, LabeledScoredTreeLeaf, LabeledScoredTreeNode, MapLabel, NegraLabel, SimpleConstituent, SimpleTree, StringLabel, Tag, TaggedWord, Tree, TreeGraphNode, ValueLabel, Word, WordCatConstituent, WordLemmaTag, WordTag

public interface Label

Something that implements the Label interface can act as a constituent, node, or word label with linguistic attributes. A Label is required to have a "primary" String value() (although this may be null). This is referred to as its value.

Implementations of Label split into two groups with respect to equality. Classes that extend ValueLabel define equality solely in terms of String equality of its value (secondary facets may be present but are ignored for purposes of equality), and have equals and compareTo defined across all subclasses of ValueLabel. This behavior should not be changed. Other classes that implement Label define equality only with their own type and require all fields of the type to be equal.

A subclass that extends another Label class should override the definition of labelFactory(), since the contract for this method is that it should return a factory for labels of the exact same object type.

Christopher Manning

Method Summary
 LabelFactory labelFactory()
          Returns a factory that makes labels of the exact same type as this one.
 void setFromString(String labelStr)
          Set the contents of this label to this String representing the complete contents of the label.
 void setValue(String value)
          Set the value for the label (if one is stored).
 String toString()
          Return a String representation of the label.
 String value()
          Return a String representation of just the "main" value of this label.

Method Detail


String value()
Return a String representation of just the "main" value of this label.

the "value" of the label


void setValue(String value)
Set the value for the label (if one is stored).

value - - the value for the label


String toString()
Return a String representation of the label. For a multipart label, this will return all parts. The toString() method causes a label to spill its guts. It should always return an empty string rather than null if there is no value.

toString in class Object
a text representation of the full label contents


void setFromString(String labelStr)
Set the contents of this label to this String representing the complete contents of the label. A class implementing label may throw an UnsupportedOperationException for this method (only). Typically, this method would do some appropriate decoding of the string in a way that sets multiple fields in an inverse of the toString() method.

labelStr - the String that translates into the content of the label


LabelFactory labelFactory()
Returns a factory that makes labels of the exact same type as this one. May return null if no appropriate factory is known.

the LabelFactory for this kind of label

Stanford NLP Group