Class TreeGraphNode

  extended by java.util.AbstractCollection
      extended by edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree
          extended by edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeGraphNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Label, Labeled, Scored, Serializable, Iterable, Collection

public class TreeGraphNode
extends Tree

A "treegraph" is a tree with additional directed, labeled arcs between arbitrary pairs of nodes. (So, it's a graph with a tree skeleton.) A TreeGraphNode represents any node in a treegraph. The additional labeled arcs are represented by using MapLabel labels at each node, which contain Maps from arc label strings to Sets of TreeGraphNodes. Each TreeGraphNode should contain a reference to a TreeGraph object, which is a container for the complete treegraph structure.

Bill MacCartney
See Also:
TreeGraph, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  TreeGraphNode[] children
          Children of this node.
protected  MapLabel label
          Label for this node.
protected  TreeGraphNode parent
          Parent of this node.
protected  TreeGraph tg
          The TreeGraph of which this node is part.
protected static TreeGraphNode[] ZERO_TGN_CHILDREN
          A leaf node should have a zero-length array for its children.
Fields inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree
Constructor Summary
          Create a new empty TreeGraphNode.
TreeGraphNode(Label label)
          Create a new TreeGraphNode with the supplied label.
TreeGraphNode(Label label, List children)
          Create a new TreeGraphNode with the supplied label and list of child nodes.
TreeGraphNode(Tree t, TreeGraphNode parent)
          Create a new TreeGraphNode having the same tree structure and label values as an existing tree (but no shared storage).
Method Summary
 boolean addArc(Object arcLabel, TreeGraphNode node)
          Add a labeled arc from this node to the argument node.
 Set arcLabelsToNode(TreeGraphNode destNode)
          Finds all arcs between this node and destNode, and returns the Set of Objects which label those arcs.
 Object arcLabelToNode(TreeGraphNode destNode)
          Returns the label of a single arc between this node and destNode, or null if no such arc exists.
 Tree[] children()
          Returns an array of the children of this node.
 Set dependencies(Filter f, HeadFinder hf)
          Return a set of node-node dependencies, represented as Dependency objects, for the Tree.
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Implements equality for TreeGraphNodes.
static TreeFactory factory()
          Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of type TreeGraphNode.
static TreeFactory factory(LabelFactory lf)
          Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of type TreeGraphNode, with the Label made by the supplied LabelFactory.
 TreeGraphNode followArcToNode(Object arcLabel)
          Returns a single TreeGraphNode to which there exists an arc bearing the specified label from this node, or null if no such node exists.
 Set followArcToSet(Object arcLabel)
          Returns the Set of TreeGraphNodes to which there exist arcs bearing the specified label from this node, or null if no such nodes exist.
 TreeGraphNode headTagNode()
          Return the node containing the head tag for this node (or null if none), as recorded in this node's MapLabel.
 TreeGraphNode headWordNode()
          Return the node containing the head word for this node (or null if none), as recorded in this node's MapLabel.
 TreeGraphNode highestNodeWithSameHead()
protected  int index()
          Get the index for the current node.
protected  void indexNodes()
          Assign sequential integer indices (starting with 0) to all nodes of the subtree rooted at this TreeGraphNode.
 Label label()
          Returns the label associated with the current node, or null if there is no label.
static void main(String[] args)
          Just for testing.
 Tree parent()
          Get the parent for the current node.
 void percolateHeads(HeadFinder hf)
          Uses the specified HeadFinder to determine the heads for this node and all its descendants, and to store references to the head word node and head tag node in this node's MapLabel and the MapLabels of all its descendants.
 void setChildren(Tree[] children)
          Sets the children of this TreeGraphNode.
protected  void setIndex(int index)
          Set the index for the current node.
 void setLabel(MapLabel label)
          Sets the label associated with the current node.
 void setParent(TreeGraphNode parent)
          Set the parent for the current node.
protected  void setTreeGraph(TreeGraph tg)
          Set pointer to the TreeGraph of which this node is a part.
 String toOneLineString()
          Returns a String representation of this node and its subtree as a one-line parenthesized list.
 String toPrettyString(int indentLevel)
          Returns a String representation of this node and its subtree with one node per line, indented according to indentLevel.
 String toString()
          Converts parse tree to string in Penn Treebank format.
 TreeFactory treeFactory()
          Returns a TreeFactory that produces TreeGraphNodes.
protected  TreeGraph treeGraph()
          Get the TreeGraph of which this node is a part.
Methods inherited from class edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree
addChild, addChild, ancestor, cCommands, constituents, constituents, deepCopy, deepCopy, deeperCopy, deeperCopy, dependencies, dependencies, dependencies, depth, dominates, dominationPath, firstChild, flatten, flatten, getChild, getChildrenAsList, getLeaves, getLeaves, getSpan, hashCode, headPreTerminal, headTerminal, indentedListPrint, indentedListPrint, indexOf, insertDtr, isLeaf, isPhrasal, isPrePreTerminal, isPreTerminal, isUnaryRewrite, iterator, joinNode, labelFactory, labels, lastChild, leftCharEdge, localTree, nodeString, numChildren, parent, pathNodeToNode, pennPrint, pennPrint, pennPrint, pennString, preTerminalYield, preTerminalYield, printLocalTree, printLocalTree, prune, prune, removeChild, rightCharEdge, score, setChild, setChildren, setFromString, setLabel, setLabels, setScore, setSpans, setValue, siblings, size, spliceOut, spliceOut, subTreeList, subTrees, subTrees, taggedDependencies, taggedDependencies, taggedDependencies, taggedDependencies, taggedYield, taggedYield, toStringBuffer, transform, transform, typedDependencies, typedDependenciesCollapsed, typedDependenciesCollapsed, upperMostUnary, value, valueOf, valueOf, yield, yield
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, isEmpty, remove, removeAll, retainAll, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected MapLabel label
Label for this node.


protected TreeGraphNode parent
Parent of this node.


protected TreeGraphNode[] children
Children of this node.


protected TreeGraph tg
The TreeGraph of which this node is part.


protected static final TreeGraphNode[] ZERO_TGN_CHILDREN
A leaf node should have a zero-length array for its children. For efficiency, subclasses can use this array as a return value for children() for leaf nodes if desired. Should this be public instead?

Constructor Detail


public TreeGraphNode()
Create a new empty TreeGraphNode.


public TreeGraphNode(Label label)
Create a new TreeGraphNode with the supplied label.

label - the label for this node.


public TreeGraphNode(Label label,
                     List children)
Create a new TreeGraphNode with the supplied label and list of child nodes.

label - the label for this node.
children - the list of child TreeGraphNodes for this node.


public TreeGraphNode(Tree t,
                     TreeGraphNode parent)
Create a new TreeGraphNode having the same tree structure and label values as an existing tree (but no shared storage). Operates recursively to construct an entire subtree.

t - the tree to copy
parent - the parent node
Method Detail


public boolean equals(Object o)
Implements equality for TreeGraphNodes. Unlike Trees, TreeGraphNodes should be considered equal only if they are ==.

Specified by:
equals in interface Collection
equals in class Tree
o - The object to compare with
Whether two things are equal


public Label label()
Returns the label associated with the current node, or null if there is no label.

Specified by:
label in interface Labeled
label in class Tree
the label of the node


public void setLabel(MapLabel label)
Sets the label associated with the current node.

label - the new label to use.


protected int index()
Get the index for the current node.


protected void setIndex(int index)
Set the index for the current node.


protected void indexNodes()
Assign sequential integer indices (starting with 0) to all nodes of the subtree rooted at this TreeGraphNode. The leaves are indexed first, from left to right. Then the internal nodes are indexed, using a pre-order tree traversal.


public Tree parent()
Get the parent for the current node.

parent in class Tree
The parent Tree node or null
See Also:


public void setParent(TreeGraphNode parent)
Set the parent for the current node.


public Tree[] children()
Returns an array of the children of this node.

Specified by:
children in class Tree
The children of the node
See Also:


public void setChildren(Tree[] children)
Sets the children of this TreeGraphNode. If given null, this method sets the node's children to the canonical zero-length Tree[] array.

setChildren in class Tree
children - an array of child trees
See Also:


protected TreeGraph treeGraph()
Get the TreeGraph of which this node is a part.


protected void setTreeGraph(TreeGraph tg)
Set pointer to the TreeGraph of which this node is a part. Operates recursively to set pointer for all descendants too.


public boolean addArc(Object arcLabel,
                      TreeGraphNode node)
Add a labeled arc from this node to the argument node.

arcLabel - the Object with which the new arc is to be labeled.
node - the TreeGraphNode to which the new arc should point.
true iff the arc did not already exist.


public Set followArcToSet(Object arcLabel)
Returns the Set of TreeGraphNodes to which there exist arcs bearing the specified label from this node, or null if no such nodes exist.

arcLabel - the Object which labels the arc(s) to be followed.
a Set containing only and all the TreeGraphNodes to which there exist arcs bearing the specified label from this node.


public TreeGraphNode followArcToNode(Object arcLabel)
Returns a single TreeGraphNode to which there exists an arc bearing the specified label from this node, or null if no such node exists. If more than one such node exists, this method will return an arbitrary node from among them; if this is a possibility, you might want to use followArcToSet instead.

arcLabel - a Object containing the label of the arc(s) to be followed
a TreeGraphNodes to which there exists an arc bearing the specified label from this node


public Set arcLabelsToNode(TreeGraphNode destNode)
Finds all arcs between this node and destNode, and returns the Set of Objects which label those arcs. If no such arcs exist, returns an empty Set.

destNode - the destination node
the Set of Objects which label arcs between this node and destNode


public Object arcLabelToNode(TreeGraphNode destNode)
Returns the label of a single arc between this node and destNode, or null if no such arc exists. If more than one such arc exists, this method will return an arbitrary arc label from among them; if this is a possibility, you might want to use arcLabelsToNode instead.

destNode - the destination node
the Set of Objects which label arcs between this node and destNode


public void percolateHeads(HeadFinder hf)
Uses the specified HeadFinder to determine the heads for this node and all its descendants, and to store references to the head word node and head tag node in this node's MapLabel and the MapLabels of all its descendants.

Note that, in contrast to Tree.percolateHeads(), which assumes CategoryWordTag labels and therefore stores head words and head tags merely as Strings, this method stores references to the actual nodes. This mitigates potential problems in sentences which contain the same word more than once.

percolateHeads in class Tree
hf - The headfinding algorithm to use


public Set dependencies(Filter f,
                        HeadFinder hf)
Return a set of node-node dependencies, represented as Dependency objects, for the Tree.

dependencies in class Tree
hf - The HeadFinder to use to identify the head of constituents. If this is null, then nodes are assumed to already be marked with their heads.
f - Dependencies are excluded for which the Dependency is not accepted by the Filter
Set of dependencies (each a Dependency)


public TreeGraphNode headWordNode()
Return the node containing the head word for this node (or null if none), as recorded in this node's MapLabel. (In contrast to CategoryWordTag, we store head words and head tags as references to nodes, not merely as Strings.)

the node containing the head word for this node


public TreeGraphNode headTagNode()
Return the node containing the head tag for this node (or null if none), as recorded in this node's MapLabel. (In contrast to CategoryWordTag, we store head words and head tags as references to nodes, not merely as Strings.)

the node containing the head tag for this node


public TreeGraphNode highestNodeWithSameHead()


public TreeFactory treeFactory()
Returns a TreeFactory that produces TreeGraphNodes. The Label of this is examined, and providing it is not null, a LabelFactory which will produce that kind of Label is supplied to the TreeFactory. If the Label is null, a MapLabelFactory will be used. The factories returned on different calls are different: a new one is allocated each time.

Specified by:
treeFactory in class Tree
a factory to produce treegraphs


public static TreeFactory factory()
Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of type TreeGraphNode. The factory returned is always the same one (a singleton).

a factory to produce treegraphs


public static TreeFactory factory(LabelFactory lf)
Return a TreeFactory that produces trees of type TreeGraphNode, with the Label made by the supplied LabelFactory. The factory returned is a different one each time.

lf - The LabelFactory to use
a factory to produce treegraphs


public String toPrettyString(int indentLevel)
Returns a String representation of this node and its subtree with one node per line, indented according to indentLevel.

indentLevel - how many levels to indent (0 for root node)
String representation of this subtree


public String toOneLineString()
Returns a String representation of this node and its subtree as a one-line parenthesized list.

String representation of this subtree


public String toString()
Description copied from class: Tree
Converts parse tree to string in Penn Treebank format. Get efficiency by chaining a single StringBuffer through it all.

Specified by:
toString in interface Label
toString in class Tree
the tree as a bracketed list on one line


public static void main(String[] args)
Just for testing.

Stanford NLP Group