Package edu.stanford.nlp.trees

Interface Summary
ConstituentFactory A ConstituentFactory is a factory for creating objects of class Constituent, or some descendent class.
Dependency An individual dependency between a governor and a dependent.
DependencyFactory A factory for dependencies of a certain type.
DependencyTyper<T> A generified interface for making some kind of dependency object between a head and dependent.
HeadFinder An interface for finding the "head" daughter of a phrase structure tree.
Labeled Interface for Objects which have a Label.
TreebankLanguagePack This interface specifies language/treebank specific information for a Treebank, which a parser or other treebank user might need to know.
TreeFactory A TreeFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class Tree, or some descendent class.
TreeReader A TreeReader adds functionality to another Reader by reading in Trees, or some descendant class.
TreeReaderFactory A TreeReaderFactory is a factory for creating objects of class TreeReader, or some descendent class.
TreeTransformer This is a simple interface for a function that alters a local Tree.
TreeVisitor This is a simple strategy-type interface for operations that are applied to Tree.
WordNetConnection Allows us to verify that a wordnet connection is available without compile time errors if the package is not found.

Class Summary
AbstractCollinsHeadFinder A base class for Head Finders similar to the one described in Michael Collins' 1999 thesis.
AbstractTreebankLanguagePack This provides an implementation of parts of the TreebankLanguagePack API to reduce the load on fresh implementations.
BobChrisTreeNormalizer Normalizes trees in the way used in Manning and Carpenter 1997.
CollinsHeadFinder Implements the HeadFinder found in Michael Collins' 1999 thesis.
CollocationFinder Finds WordNet collocations in parse trees.
CompositeTreeTransformer A TreeTransformer that applies component TreeTransformers in order.
Constituent A Constituent object defines a generic edge in a graph.
DiskTreebank A DiskTreebank is a Collection of s.
EnglishGrammaticalRelations EnglishGrammaticalRelations is a set of GrammaticalRelation objects for the English language.
EnglishGrammaticalStructure A GrammaticalStructure for English.
GrammaticalRelation GrammaticalRelation is used to define a standardized, hierarchical set of grammatical relations, together with patterns for identifying them in parse trees.
GrammaticalStructure A GrammaticalStructure is a TreeGraph (that is, a tree with additional labeled arcs between nodes) for representing the grammatical relations in a parse tree.
GrammaticalStructureFactory A general factory for GrammaticalStructure objects.
LabeledConstituent A LabeledConstituent object represents a single bracketing in a derivation, including start and end points and Label information, but excluding probabilistic information.
LabeledScoredConstituent A LabeledScoredConstituent object defines an edge in a graph with a label and a score.
LabeledScoredConstituentFactory A LabeledScoredConstituentFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class LabeledScoredConstituent.
LabeledScoredTreeFactory A LabeledScoredTreeFactory acts as a factory for creating trees with labels and scores.
LabeledScoredTreeLeaf A LabeledScoredTreeLeaf represents the leaf of a tree in a parse tree with labels and scores.
LabeledScoredTreeNode A LabeledScoredTreeNode represents a tree composed of a root label, a score, and an array of daughter parse trees.
LabeledScoredTreeReaderFactory This class implements a TreeReaderFactory that produces labeled, scored array-based Trees, which have been cleaned up to delete empties, etc.
LeftHeadFinder HeadFinder that always returns the leftmost daughter as head.
MemoryTreebank A MemoryTreebank object stores a corpus of examples with given tree structures in memory (as a List).
ModCollinsHeadFinder Implements a variant on the HeadFinder found in Michael Collins' 1999 thesis.
NPTmpRetainingTreeNormalizer Same TreeNormalizer as BobChrisTreeNormalizer, but optionally provides four extras.
PennTreebankLanguagePack Specifies the treebank/language specific components needed for parsing the English Penn Treebank.
PennTreebankTokenizer Builds a tokenizer for English PennTreebank (release 2) trees.
PennTreeReader A PennTreeReader is a TreeReader that reads in Penn Treebank-style files.
SemanticHeadFinder Implements a 'semantic head' variant of the the HeadFinder found in Michael Collins' 1999 thesis.
SimpleConstituent A SimpleConstituent object defines a generic edge in a graph.
SimpleConstituentFactory A ConstituentFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class Constituent, or some descendent class.
SimpleTree A SimpleTree is a minimal concrete implementation of an unlabeled, unscored Tree.
SimpleTreeFactory A SimpleTreeFactory acts as a factory for creating objects of class SimpleTree.
SimpleTreeReaderFactory This class implements a simple default TreeReaderFactory.
StringLabeledScoredTreeReaderFactory This class implements a TreeReaderFactory that produces labeled, scored array-based Trees, which have been cleaned up to delete empties, etc.
Tree The abstract class Tree is used to collect all of the tree types, and acts as a generic composite type.
Treebank A Treebank object provides access to a corpus of examples with given tree structures.
TreeFunctions This is a utility class which vends tree transformers to translate trees from one factory type to trees of another.
TreeGraph A TreeGraph is a tree with additional directed, labeled arcs between arbitrary pairs of nodes.
TreeGraphNode A "treegraph" is a tree with additional directed, labeled arcs between arbitrary pairs of nodes.
TreeGraphNodeFactory A TreeGraphNodeFactory acts as a factory for creating nodes in a TreeGraph.
TreeLengthComparator A TreeLengthComparator orders trees by their yield sentence lengths.
TreeNormalizer A class for tree normalization.
TreePrint A class for customizing the print method(s) for a edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree as the output of the parser.
Trees Various utilities for the Tree class.
TreeTokenizerFactory Wrapper for TreeReaderFactory.
TypedDependency A TypedDependency is a relation between two words in a GrammaticalStructure.
TypedDependencyList A TypedDependencyList represents a complete list of typed dependencies for a GrammaticalStructure, with special methods for printing in different formats.
UnnamedDependency An individual dependency between a head and a dependent.
WordCatConstituent A class storing information about a constituent in a character-based tree.
WordCatEqualityChecker An EqualityChecker for WordCatConstituents.
WordCatEquivalenceClasser An EquivalenceClasser for WordCatConstituents.
WordStemmer Stems the Words in a Tree using Morphology.

Stanford NLP Group