Interface Dependency

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public interface Dependency
extends Serializable

An individual dependency between a governor and a dependent. The governor and dependent are represented as a Label. For example, these can be a Word or a WordTag. If one wishes the dependencies to preserve positions in a sentence, then each can be a LabeledConstituent. Dependencies support an object naming the dependency type. This may be null. Dependencies have factories.

Christopher Manning

Method Summary
 DependencyFactory dependencyFactory()
          Provide a factory for this kind of dependency
 Label dependent()
          Describes the dependent (argument/modifier) of the dependency relation.
 boolean equalIgnoringName(Object o)
          Are two dependencies equal if you ignore the dependency name.
 Label governor()
          Describes the governor (regent/head) of the dependency relation.
 Object name()
          Names the type of dependency (subject, instrument, ...).
 String toString(String format)
          Provide different printing options via a String keyword.

Method Detail


Label governor()
Describes the governor (regent/head) of the dependency relation.


Label dependent()
Describes the dependent (argument/modifier) of the dependency relation.


Object name()
Names the type of dependency (subject, instrument, ...). This might be a String in the simplest case, but can provide for arbitrary object types.


boolean equalIgnoringName(Object o)
Are two dependencies equal if you ignore the dependency name.


String toString(String format)
Provide different printing options via a String keyword. The main recognized option currently is "xml". Otherwise the default toString() is used.


DependencyFactory dependencyFactory()
Provide a factory for this kind of dependency

Stanford NLP Group