Class Pair<T1,T2>

  extended by edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair<T1,T2>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable

public class Pair<T1,T2>
extends Object
implements Comparable, Serializable

Pair: A Class for holding a pair of objects. Implementation note: uses ~ 8 (this) + 4 (first) + 4 (second) = 16 bytes. Many applications use a lot of Pair's so it's good to keep this number small.

Dan Klein, Christopher Manning (added stuff from Kristina's, rounded out)
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
 T1 first
          Direct access is deprecated.
 T2 second
          Direct access is deprecated.
Constructor Summary
Pair(T1 first, T2 second)
Method Summary
 int compareTo(Object o)
          Compares this Pair to another object.
 boolean equals(Object o)
 T1 first()
 int hashCode()
static Pair<String,String> internedStringPair(String first, String second)
          Returns an InternedPair where the Strings have been interned.
static Pair<String,String> readStringPair(DataInputStream in)
          Read a string representation of a Pair from a DataStream.
 void save(DataOutputStream out)
          Write a string representation of a Pair from a DataStream.
 T2 second()
 void setFirst(T1 o)
 void setSecond(T2 o)
static Pair<String,String> stringIntern(Pair<String,String> p)
          If first and second are Strings, then this returns an InternedPair where the Strings have been interned, and if this Pair is serialized and then deserialized, first and second are interned upon deserialization.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public T1 first
Direct access is deprecated. Use first().


public T2 second
Direct access is deprecated. Use second().

Constructor Detail


public Pair()


public Pair(T1 first,
            T2 second)
Method Detail


public T1 first()


public T2 second()


public void setFirst(T1 o)


public void setSecond(T2 o)


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public static Pair<String,String> readStringPair(DataInputStream in)
Read a string representation of a Pair from a DataStream. This might not work correctly unless the pair of objects are of type String.


public void save(DataOutputStream out)
Write a string representation of a Pair from a DataStream. The toString() method is called on each of the pair of objects and a String representation is written. This might not allow one to recover the pair of objects unless they are of type String.


public int compareTo(Object o)
Compares this Pair to another object. If the object is a Pair, this function will work providing the elements of the Pair are themselves comparable. It will then return a value based on the pair of objects, where p > q iff p.first() > q.first() || (p.first().equals(q.first()) && p.second() > q.second()). If the other object is not a Pair, it throws a ClassCastException.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable
o - the Object to be compared.
the value 0 if the argument is a Pair equal to this Pair; a value less than 0 if the argument is a Pair greater than this Pair; and a value greater than 0 if the argument is a Pair less than this Pair.
ClassCastException - if the argument is not a Pair.
See Also:


public static Pair<String,String> stringIntern(Pair<String,String> p)
If first and second are Strings, then this returns an InternedPair where the Strings have been interned, and if this Pair is serialized and then deserialized, first and second are interned upon deserialization.

InternedPair, with same first and second as this.


public static Pair<String,String> internedStringPair(String first,
                                                     String second)
Returns an InternedPair where the Strings have been interned. This is a factory method for creating an InternedPair. It requires the arguments to be Strings. If this Pair is serialized and then deserialized, first and second are interned upon deserialization.

Note: I put this in thinking that its use might be faster than calling x = new Pair(a, b).stringIntern() but it's not really clear whether this is true.

first - The first object
second - The second object
An InternedPair, with given first and second

Stanford NLP Group