Package edu.stanford.nlp.util

Interface Summary
EquivalenceClasser<T> A strategy-type interface for specifying a function from Objects to their equivalence classes.
EquivalenceClassEval.EqualityChecker A strategy-type interface for specifying an equality criterion for pairs of Objects.
FileProcessor Interface for a Visitor pattern for Files.
Filter<T> Filter is an interface for predicate objects which respond to the accept method.
Heap<E> Heap: It's the heap interface.
PriorityQueue<E> A Set that also represents an ordering of its elements, and responds quickly to add(), changePriority(), removeFirst(), and getFirst() method calls.
Scored Scored: This is a simple interface that says that an object can answer requests for the score, or goodness of the object.

Class Summary
AbstractIterator Iterator with remove defined to throw UnsupportedOperationException .
ArrayHeap<E> Implements a heap as an ArrayList.
ArrayMap<K,V> ArrayMap: A map that is backed by an Array
ArrayUtils Static utility methods for operating on arrays.
BinaryHeapPriorityQueue<E> PriorityQueue with explicit double priority values.
CollectionFactory Factory for vending Collections.
DisabledPreferences A do-nothing Preferences implementation so that we can avoid the hassles of the JVM Preference implementations.
DisabledPreferencesFactory Returns do-nothing Preferences implementation.
EntryValueComparator Comparator designed for the values of Map entries.
EquivalenceClassEval A class for calculating precision and recall statistics based on comparisons between two Collections.
FilePathProcessor The FilePathProcessor traverses a directory structure and applies the processFile method to files meeting some criterion.
Filters Filters contains some simple implementations of the Filter interface.
Interner For interning (canonicalizing) things.
IntTuple A tuple of int .
IntUni Just a single integer
MapFactory Factory for vending Maps.
Maps Utilities for Maps, including inverting, composing, and support for list/set values.
MutableDouble A class for Double objects that you can change.
MutableInteger A class for Integer objects that you can change.
Numberer Gives unique integer serial numbers to a family of objects, identified by a name space.
Pair<T1,T2> Pair: A Class for holding a pair of objects.
ScoredComparator ScoredComparator allows one to compare scored things.
Sets Utilities for sets
StringUtils StringUtils is a class for random String things.
Timing A class for measuring how long things take.
Triple<T1,T2,T3> User: Teg Grenager Date: Feb 20, 2004 Time: 9:44:12 AM
XMLUtils Class XMLUtils

Stanford NLP Group